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Session 7
Group Session 7: Grief Work and Occupational Perspective
Grief work (pg 100 in text from class)
Survivor grief
Detachment & anger
Importance of occupation
Risk of occupation
Satisfaction from occupation
Benefit to society from occupation
The seventh session will open with the Facilitator asking the group members how they are doing today. The Facilitator will then go over homework assignment. Facilitator will discuss what they were thinking about during the homework assignment and if it was difficult or not. After discussing homework, Facilitator will lead discussion pertaining to grief work and occupational perspective. Facilitator will lead discussion on various terms of grief (i.e. exaggerated grief, masked grief, chronic grief and delayed grief). Resource used was an exert from the University of Indiana. Facilitator will inform members that they may experience numbness, yearning, outbursts of strong emotions (depression), sadness and finally letting go. Resources used for seventh session is The Facilitator will then lead gradually into their occupation. Facilitator will have them discuss their risks and then their satisfaction with their occupation. Facilitator will have members talk about the benefits to society from them performing their job. Facilitator will inform group members this is the next to last session. Facilitator will tell group members their last homework assignment is to contemplate on a symbolic gift that may help each member of the group through their journey of healing.